Last Monday was Teacher's Day here in China. One of those days that will never be forgotten.
The day began with an early morning ceremony. The entire school community gathered on the school field for 3 hours of speeches and awards. Generally speaking, not the most thrilling of experiences, but I did get a decent adrenaline surge when it came time for my speech, in Chinese. The students were the perfect audience- enthusiastically interactive and attentive. As no Chinese event is complete without a ridiculous amount of fireworks, the ceremony finished with a rousing snap, crackle and pop.
About half of the student body |
During my afternoon classes that day, I received some adorable
gifts from my students. Each class mentioned something about a 晚会, or evening party. They were all very adamant that I must attend. I didn't quite
understand what was meant by evening party, but I got the impression it was kind of a big deal.
Gifts from my students |
After classes all the teachers gathered in the cafeteria for a big
dinner celebration. That meant unlimited food, beer and cheers-ing.
During dinner, more students asked if we would attend their class' evening party. Our dinner ended with
a beer chugging contest with the English Department Head Teacher.
A little buzzed, we then
walked straight into the lion's den. The classrooms had all been decorated with streamers, tablecloths, ribbons, food... it was incredible! One class had a giant heart made of thank you post-its on the blackboard. As a teacher, and especially as one of the foreign teachers, it was expected that we make as many class appearances as humanly possible. I took my first couple visits quite leisurely and stayed for 10 or 15 minutes, but then caught on to the Chinese teachers' technique of only staying for a couple minutes. So many to see, so little time!
Decorated blackboard |
It was a whirlwind evening, but I got into a groove. It was the same routine for every class- you would walk into a classroom and the students would start cheering and yelling, THE FOREIGN TEACHER! HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY! SPEAK CHINESE, SING A SONG, DANCE MONKEY! ...something along those lines. I pulled out all the stops: I sang My Girl a cappella, played musical chairs, solo danced to Justin Bieber, attempted (and failed) to sing a song in Chinese, wore a leaf crown, and stuffed down every food item offered. It was a time to break out of teacher mode, make a complete fool of myself and have a blast doing it with the students. Apparently Shane did the worm for a couple classes he visited. Definitely a team effort on the foreign teacher front.
All in all, an excellent day full of celebrations and laughs. I'm trying to soak in every minute of this experience, including evening playtime...
Ping pong with the crew |